Sports Bags
(20 products)
When choosing a sports bag, think about the gear you want to carry in it. A sports bag must be spacious enough and appropriately divided up into compartments. Our range includes men’s and women’s sports bags for combat sports, which can also be used as a sports bag for the gym, for football and other sports. Sports backpacks and sports shoulder bags are the most popular types of bag. For competitions or when carrying more equipment, go for a trolley sports bag.
Sports bags by size
Bags are generally categorized by size as S, M and L; in some cases, their volume in liters is given. The table below shows approximate sizes, although these can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. You should therefore always check the size stated for a particular product.
Bag storage space
Spread out your sports equipment on the ground and have a think. Are small protectors just the type of gear you’re constantly having to search for in the bottom of your bag? So look for a bag with separate storage compartments. Put your head guard, boxing boots, kimono or t-shirt in the main pocket. Don't forget your towel and toiletries, which should be carried separately. Small pockets are perfect for storing wraps, mouth guards or protein bars. For the gym, all you need is a bag with one main compartment and a side pocket.
What type of sports bag to choose
Damp protectors dry best in mesh bags. We offer a range of small backpacks as well as larger mesh bags. Heavier equipment calls for sturdy materials. Choose a robust duffle bag or a reinforced trolley sports bag, which will be sufficient for seminars and competitions held over several days.