Changing the chin straps on your headgear is indicated when the fabric's structure wears out. While the material is designed to withstand normal tear and wear exposure to sweat and other fluids may cause degradation of the fabric and hook-and-loop functionality. Kindly, follow the steps on this manual to properly attach the straps to the chin. Proper fastening will leverage mechanical forces to provide better fit with a higher degree of protection.


velcro replacement


 It is advised to change the straps every one or two years depending on frequency of use. 

To preserve the headgears full features of protection it should always be fastened in the proper, indicated way and with straps in mint condition. Loose or wrong fastening may prevent the item from providing best results.

In the event of lint being stuck inside the velcros it is recommended to remove the it with a lint roller. If that isn't sufficient it often helps to submerge the straps in lukewarm water with a few drops of vinegar. After a few minutes remaining particles can be washed out using a brush.