Protective hand wraps are part of the
basic gear for any combat sport. Our wide range of goods includes everything you need to protect and firm up the joints and wrists; if you have to train with a slight injury, quality
tapes under your wraps are essential.
Boxing wraps are made from high-strength cotton. When choosing wraps, go for those with a hole for the thumb, made from pliant material so they are comfortable to wear, with a velcro fastener. Boxing wraps are worn inside boxing gloves. We recommend that martial arts enthusiasts and top boxers use hand wraps.
Which wraps and tapes to choose
Quality hand wraps are available in many variations. Our best-selling wraps are gel wraps, which effectively protect the joints and wrist from minor injuries. These hand wraps are extremely popular because they are quite easy to use.
Need to train even though you have a slight injury? So don’t forget to buy tapes. Non-elastic tape provides great protection, support and stability for damaged tendons, joints, and ligaments. Wrist tapes relieve pain and provide outer support and stability where it hurts so that you perform at your best not only when training, but also during matches.